● Does negative reviews and feedback make you feel uncomfortable?
● Do you find it difficult to face your customer’s negative comments about your  business?
● Do you want to learn how to handle negative feedback?

We’ve all received negative feedback at some point, whether it was a dissatisfied employee review or a criticism of your mashed potato recipe. You are bound to receive negative feedback while running a business because you cannot please everyone.

Negative feedback is always difficult to hear, especially when it concerns your business. Receiving negative feedback from customers does not mean that your
business can no longer succeed or grow steadily. Read through to know

This is because criticism and negative feedback provide an opportunity for growth. And identifying the cause of any problem—whether it’s with your product, customer service, or a simple miscommunication—is the first step in resolving it. By analyzing the negative reviews, you receive from your customers, you will learn what you can do well and what you can do better, and you’ll be able to make the necessary improvements to your business to keep growing.

For any business receiving negative feedback is difficult to navigate. But just like positive reviews can help you build credibility of business; negative reviews can have the opposite effect if not handled correctly. If you learn how to handle negative feedback to improve your customer experience, negative feedback can be transformed into positive. Let’s look at some of the strategies that you can practice to deal with dissatisfied customers.

It is common to avoid negative feedback, but it is important to remember that not all criticisms are the same. Negative feedback can be further divided into two types: constructive feedback and destructive feedback. Constructive criticism emphasizes the other person’s positive qualities, while destructive criticism emphasizes the other person’s negative qualities It is not necessary to pay attention to every negative feedback that you receive. You can identify your goals & on that basis you can pick the valuable criticism.

Business can grow effectively if it is able to identify constructive criticism because it can provide more value to the business. The best thing about constructive criticism is that it is full of specifics and actionable comments that guide you toward positive change, build trust, and provide opportunities for growth. It can come from anyone who genuinely cares about your company or you as a business owner. Of course, The sooner you learn this the greater the chances of improving your business.

Build trust with your audience

Negative reviews, believe it or not, help your brand build trust with your audience. When you receive negative feedback, it gives you a spark of inspiration and encourages you to look inward at your company to see if there is a better way to do things. Finally, it will assist you in demonstrating how to make your brand more transparent while  maintaining its positive reputation.

When customers see your business’s rating and only see five stars, it will clearly raise suspicions in their minds because it is unrealistic to believe that a business will never encounter an unhappy customer or receive an unfavorable review. Therefore, negative feedback doesn’t necessarily need to be taken as offensive. You must try to understand your client’s standpoint behind giving such a feedback figure out the main reason behind it & respond them accordingly. This approach of dealing with negative feedback will help you build and maintain strong & trustworthy relationship with your audience.

Improve Your Customer Engagement

Negative feedback Homeostasis is the tendency to resist change in order to maintain a stable, relatively constant internal environment. When a customer leaves a negative review, it means they are sharing their experience. You can try engaging with them, addressing their questions and concerns and offering them to make things right. Of course, there is nothing you can do about past mistakes, but you can show them that you care about their experience and are ready to put in efforts to provide better service.

This can turn into an opportunity to increase your retention rate and improve relationships with them. So, use negative reviews to focus on boosting engagement.

Three Easy ways to increase your engagement with your unsatisfied customers are;

1. Send them a form to fill their concerns with screenshot or proof

2. Call them and ask for the details

3. Request them to visit your office if they are nearby or send your team member to attend their complaint

Following these steps will not only change the negative perspective of your company but it’ll also convert that unsatisfied customer into a life long loyal customer.

By Asking Questions To The Reviewer

The simplest and quickest way to handle negative feedback is to ask the correct questions to solve the problems of dissatisfied customer. When your client sees that you are addressing their problems, their attitude toward you will alter, and they will be more likely to provide additional feedback, which will help you correct the mistakes that caused them to leave a negative review. People are always hesitant to submit feedback, but if you can push a bit harder to address their concerns, they’ll undoubtedly share in-depth analyses that can help you enhance your services or offerings.

You must have seen in your daily life that many individuals close to you are more inclined to express their opinion even if you don’t ask them; in this scenario, asking someone to share their feelings feeds their ego. They will be delighted to share whatever is on their minds since they feel respected.

Here are some of the examples of negative feedbacks:

● You couldn’t meet our expection
● Your customer support is terrible
● You haven’t met the deadlines
● I was expecting more creativity in your work
● I wish you could have understood my concerns little better

Use customer centric approach

Positive feedback shows you what you’re good at, while negative feedback tells you what you need to work on in order to personalise your services to their needs. Responding swiftly and politely to negative feedback is the best way to manage it. As a result, it’s essential to take both positive and negative feedback.

The customer experience is what makes or breaks your company. To achieve satisfying results, the company’s culture, assets, structure, marketing, and sales must all operate together. Being customer-centric includes more than simply stating that the customer is at the forefront of your thoughts. It’s all about getting to know your customers so you can anticipate their wants, requirements, and communication preferences, provide meaningful experiences, and establish long-term partnerships. That is easier said than done

however. Agreeing with the customer is not necessary to be able to sympathize with them. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine you have expected excellent service, but it falls far short of your expectation. Wouldn’t it potentially ruin your day? Therefore, when someone leaves a negative review, you just sympathize with them & make sure to tell them that you understand their feelings to ease up their pain. When they hear your word of sympathy, they may be more willing to understand you as well.

Fixing The Mistakes And Make Sure It Doesn’t Repeat

Learning from mistakes and not repeating them is what allows us to improve in the future. Receiving negative feedback allows you to understand what your customers are going through and how they feel about the services you provide. Knowing how to accept feedback positively allows you to see how you can improve your services in a better way to meet the needs of your customers.

After attending an unsatisfied client or obtaining bad criticism, be sure to improve your offering or services using improvisation. This can assist you avoid making the same mistakes and receiving negative comments on the same problems. It would be my pleasure to assist you in implementing what I have done in my business.


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