Many people embark on the entrepreneurial journey, but only 5% of them are successful. Most of them continue to struggle and wait for the right moment to strike, and the majority give up on their business concept and begin working for others. If you are an entrepreneur or planning to start a business, you need to be aware of this one trait that can help you rank in the top 5% of all successful business people worldwide
You might be wondering what that quality is….??? Or, You might also be curious to know what the one trait that every successful businessman shares.  is Well! Self-belief is the quality that every successful businessman has in common!!!

What is self-belief?

Wikipedia puts self-belief with “Confidence”. Confidence comes from the Latin word ‘fidere’ which means “to trust“; Wikipedia states this term, as a state of being clear-headed either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. , self-belief refers to trust in one’s ability to succeed in adverse situations or achieve some goals.  

How does having self-belief help someone succeed in business??

self-belief is crucial to becoming a successful businessman. It is the only quality that every successful businessman has in common. It might be surprising and lead you to think, 
Well! Self-belief is very important because it has the power to defeat adversity. It strengthens the perception of faith in yourself. If you believe in yourself,  you develop such a level of tenacity as a result of it that, no matter how challenging the circumstance, you manage to crawl out of it
It was a self-belief that made Thomas Edison try for the 10,000th time after failing 9,999 times, and when he asked a question about his failures, he quoted, “I have not failed.” I have just found 9,999 new methods that do not work”.
If he had not believed in himself, he would have already abandoned his goal, regretted his failure, and chosen not to try again. Thus, self-believers are those who believe they have the ability to shape the course of their lives to ensure future success

Ratan Tata and Steve Jobs, two successful businessmen, lived through adversities due to “Self- belief”

Ratan Tata

Let me tell you the story of one of India’s most ambitious businessmen and the chairman of Tata so, who has revolutionized the Indian car industry. He has set an amazing example of self-belief and how he changed his image as a businessman across the world. Ratan Tata’s journey is an inspiration for many people, But one instance that inspired us the most was when Ratan Tata took Revengeon Ford for his humiliating treatment by Ford’s chairman ‘Bill Ford’.

Failure of ‘Indica’ in the Indian Market

Tata Motors created the Indica, India’s first indigenous vehicle, in the 1990s. It was a milestone moment in the history of the Indian auto industry because all the earlier models were either imported or produced in collaboration with other nations. But, due to low sales, Indica was unable to generate the estimated revenue, and business began to suffer.

Ratan Tata suffered Humiliation by Ford’s Chairman ‘Bill Ford’

Ratan Tata recognized the issue and made the decision to sell the vehicle division to salvage his business. Ratan traveled to Detroit, Michigan in the US where he met Ford CEO, Bill Ford. Bill Ford allegedly “humiliated” the Indian conglomerate during the three-hour discussion by saying that by purchasing Ratan Tata’s automotive section, he is doing Ratan Tata a favor. The Tata delegation was also informed that they should not have begun the automotive division because they lack knowledge of automobiles.

Ratan Tata took Revenge from ‘Ford’ by acquiring $2.3 billions Ford’s JLR division and saved Ford’s business from bankruptcy

Ratan Tata returned to India, dejected but determined to make his company successful again. Thus, he decided not to sell his car division to Ford and worked extra hard, and concentrated on Tata Motors. Failure is the best motivator, as the saying goes, and this couldn’t be more true.
The US stock market crashed in 2008, nine years later, having an impact on all nations’ economies. Tata, but, remained steady and flipped the script.
Ford’s Jaguar-Land Rover (JLR) division was being sold off to save the company from going bankrupt. Tata paid $2.3 billion to get the coveted brand because it regarded this as the ideal chance. Ford Chairman Bill Ford thanked Ratan Tata for doing the favor. He said, “You are doing us a huge favor by buying JLR.”
Within a few years, the Jaguar and Land Rover luxury car segments of Tata Motors became the most successful ventures in the industry Ratan Tata showed to the world what hard, determination, resilience, and self-belief can bring to the table.

Steve Jobs

Another success story of self-belief that came out of adversity and teaches a great lesson of self-belief to young entrepreneurs can lead them to be optimistic towards success despite many failures. The story of Steve Jobs, the co-founder, and CEO of Apple Inc. Without a question, he was one of the greatest people in technology history. By the age of 30, His company Apple already stood at $2 billion dollars in valuation. This will sound like a success story so far, but it also has a great element of adversity that becomes a lesson for all young entrepreneurs.

When Steve Jobs was fired and made a comeback.

So, the whole thing started when in 1981, Apple Computers went public. Two years later, John Sculley, the CEO of Pepsi-Cola, hire Jobs to lead Apple as its new CEO, and the company entered the Fortune 500.
Jobs served as Apple’s top visionary, and as such, he oversaw the team responsible for creating Apple’s next ground-breaking product, the Macintosh computer. The Mac launched in 1984 to positive reviews but weak sales, straining the company’s finances and deteriorating Jobs’ relationship with Sculley.
Between Sculley and Jobs, a power struggle developed. The board of Apple took the CEO’s side in the spring of 1985, dismissing Jobs as head of the Macintosh division. But, he maintains this amazing persistence. He hangs in there, and he keeps coming back with victory after victory, taking this business to new heights and producing the biggest business success of our time. It’s a distinctive tale.

‘Self Belief’ Is The Key To Success

So, we can see both have shown exceptional self-confidence in themselves. They proved to the world that success is as inevitable as the “Sunrise” if you have a burning drive within yourself to achieve whatever you want. They believed in their talents and abilities which also reflected in their actions. They never undervalue the importance of hard work and discipline, which are necessary for self-belief. Ratan Tata and Steve Jobs are fantastic examples of self-belief who taught us how to get over setbacks and build a successful future for ourselves.
The cornerstone of success is self-belief. This is a rigid guideline. Nobody ever achieved unreasonable success without having a strong sense of self-worth. Self-believers are not only able to achieve success, but they also share this trait of willingness to get up again and again when experiencing failures or setbacks to fulfill their dreams. It is very difficult to find a successful individual who doesn’t believe in himself. To live a life of high achievement, you must believe in yourself and your abilities to solve problems

Final Thoughts

It has been said by Roy T. Bennett; “When you start living the life of your dreams ,there will always be obstacles, doubters, mistakes, and setbacks along the way.”But with hard work, perseverance and self-belief there is no limit to what you can achieve” 

Many people start doubting themselves when they face setbacks, failure, or fear of failure. But, the fact is,  failure is the key to success. Overcoming setbacks and achieving final success is the sign of a highly successful person.  In the end, it is your self-confidence that drives you to work diligently and persistently. 

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